Wednesday 29 September 2010


Posts have been rather scarce lately, but it is due to the fact, that I just stepped into the role as the new Incarna Producer at CCP. To be honest it is a dream come true, this is the job I always wished for.

I have loved MMOs since I started playing AO in 2001 and I have always been very interested in how to improve development procedures, since I have always been strongly connected to the development floor.

Alas this also means that I have had to say my goodbyes, as a PO, to me beloved Team Raggydolls and the Reykjavikan Art Department in general. A very very hard thing to do, because this has arguable been one of the best departments I have ever worked in, in any company. Thank you all for such a wonderful time.

On the plus side I am now going to work with some great people in the current EVE command Center. Monday I will truly move into my new role 100% .

Friday 24 September 2010

Sunday 5 September 2010

Thursday 2 September 2010

Compared to its size, Reykjavik has disproportionally many interesting events happening and people turn out en masse, to parttake in the activities.

Lately there has been Culture Day and Gay Pride and comming up in September is Iceland Airwaves >> and these are just the major ones.

Besides everything Reykjavik has to offer, CCP also had its anual kick off last Friday, which was very cool. A full day of presentaion about this year's theme "Deliver" , various activities like horseback riding, axe throwinig, shushi making, wine tasing, and ATVs followed by a kick ass kick off party in the evening.