Saturday, 10 July 2010

Boeing 747 Flyby

Weather was excellent yesterday, so I was eating outside on the terrace at CCP, when suddenly a low flying Boeing 747 passes over and when I say low flying I really mean low flying.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Germany 0:1 Spain

Just got back from Bjarni Fel.
Germany is out, sad to see them go, but Spain played well.

Tomorrow is back to the second part of the new expansion summit.
All is going really well. Lots of work, but we are getting some good results.
Decisions being made, risks identified etc.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Polar Beer vuvuzela add.

TV commercial from Polar Beer, currently running on TV her in Iceland.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Germany 4: 0 Argentina

Just back from Bjarni Fels (the sports bar).
What a lesson Germany taught Argentina today.
Like CCP, all, or most of the people here in Reykjavik, are caught up in German world cup fever.
Below for example, is Sólon Café, flying the German colors:

Like with most of the other big games, a large number of CCP'ers always seem to find their way to Bjarni Fels. It was also true today. Good game, good company, an excellent afternoon! It is going to be an early one for me though. Ill dedicate the weekend to relaxation without beer.