Thursday, 28 October 2010

Design a ship winners announced.

Monday, 25 October 2010

CCP & EVE news


In a new developer blog at the official EVE Online site, CCP Chronotis, the team outlines some of the terrific changes that most players will welcome with open arms. Among those changes are: Tech II ammo enhancements; rocket 'power ups' to make them more effective; Faction ships in the market; Fighter Bomber lag addressed and fixed.


The final tally has been done! A totally of 805 PLEX over 194 contracts were donated to the PLEX for Good: Flood Relief drive. The largest single corporation donation was 175 PLEX, and the largest player donation was 238 PLEX donated over multiple contracts. 167 million or so ISK was donated as well, enough to purchase half a PLEX on the open market.


The semi-finalist judges went through all of the beautiful and intricate starships submitted to the EVE Online "Create A Starship" contest and were extremely impressed by the talent that you, our always skillful deviantART community, exhibited. 15 semi-finalists have been chosen from all of the wonderful entries. From these semi-finalists, the final three winners will be chosen by the EVE Online creative team! Let's check out who might get their shot at getting their ship in the game.

Sunday, 24 October 2010


CCP Delivers!

Micro Pets

Roadmap session completed

Absolutely mad week just getting to an end. Monday and Tuesday we hosted the Incarna roadmap session at Hotel Saga. Preparations started already the week before, including the weekend. Long days, getting up early to prepare for the participants and long nights too, due to dinner and drinks. But we have results!

Last couple of weeks, the 10 to 12 hour shifts I have been pulling, has meant almost no time spent outside CCP. It cut into Airwaves time too and just ordinary activities that I normally have time to do. Thank god that CCP is so good at feeding staff working late, otherwise I would have disappeared by now. But it sounds worse that it is, I am having a blast to be honest. Just recuperating for next week's events. So this weekend I have kept free, in order to catch up with life in general. I have also decided to hire a cleaner, because life is just too short for dishes and dust.

Friday, 8 October 2010


The new EVE character creator went public this week on Singularity test server. All the hard work is paying off. The response from the community and media is simply great.

Torfi's Devblog in preparation for the release to singularity

Sunday, 3 October 2010

CCP Octoberfest Delivered.

CPP + Octoberfest = WIN!

We ran out of beer at 10:00, but thank god someone was clear minded enough to make some calls and soon after even more beer arrived, Thule as well. Not bad.
After that beer ran out, buses were ready to take the last (and surprisingly many) hardcore party people to the wonderful ruckus that is Reykjavikan nightlife.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010


Posts have been rather scarce lately, but it is due to the fact, that I just stepped into the role as the new Incarna Producer at CCP. To be honest it is a dream come true, this is the job I always wished for.

I have loved MMOs since I started playing AO in 2001 and I have always been very interested in how to improve development procedures, since I have always been strongly connected to the development floor.

Alas this also means that I have had to say my goodbyes, as a PO, to me beloved Team Raggydolls and the Reykjavikan Art Department in general. A very very hard thing to do, because this has arguable been one of the best departments I have ever worked in, in any company. Thank you all for such a wonderful time.

On the plus side I am now going to work with some great people in the current EVE command Center. Monday I will truly move into my new role 100% .

Friday, 24 September 2010

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Compared to its size, Reykjavik has disproportionally many interesting events happening and people turn out en masse, to parttake in the activities.

Lately there has been Culture Day and Gay Pride and comming up in September is Iceland Airwaves >> and these are just the major ones.

Besides everything Reykjavik has to offer, CCP also had its anual kick off last Friday, which was very cool. A full day of presentaion about this year's theme "Deliver" , various activities like horseback riding, axe throwinig, shushi making, wine tasing, and ATVs followed by a kick ass kick off party in the evening.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

That's not rain....

My mum, dad and one of my oldest friends Anette visited me this weekend.
We had a great time even though the weather turned towards rain.
Funny it is always when I decide to do the golden circle that the rain starts...

However compared to the amount of rain that have fallen in Denmark it is really not much.
Copenhagen experienced veritable floodgates as you can probably see on the link below:

Sunday, 8 August 2010

SC 2 Campaign Completed

Massive Blog Update Commencing >>>

So, today Thomas' vacation ended and I he left for Keflavik around 13:00.
I decided to spend part of my Sunday updating my neglected blog with pictures and events from the last 3 weeks of vacation time.

Anniversary. August 7th.

Me and Thomas' 6th anniversary :)
This year we decided to celebrate by eating out at Sjavarkjallarinn. Fantastic seafood restaurant in Reykjavik. This is what TIME said.

We opted for the Chef's exotic menu with selected wines and it was truly great. Half way through the dinner, Thomas spotted former Danish Prime Minister Mogens Lykketoft at the table behind us, which was quite amusing.

Gay Pride. August 7th.

Gay Pride in Reykjavik was totally great. I have never seen so many people on Laugavegur.

Work and rain, well mostly...

Lots of work to be done at CCP and the weather turned towards rain and clouds for most of the first week of August. However a few times the sun was out, so made the most of it and went for strolls along the coast.

August 2nd. Bank holiday.

I am pretty sure I was nursing a hangover and watching The Wire. I know, it is sacrilege, but I have not actually seen any episodes of The Wire yet. It is a very good series, if you are not familiar with it I can recommend checking out a few episodes.

Housewarming at Scott's place. August 1st.

A well stocked fridge:

Something was obviously very funny, but I can't for the life of me remember what is was:) . :


The Octopus visited Reykjavik last week. The Octopus is the world's ninth largest superyacht, owned by Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft.

Back to Iceland. August 28th.

Back to work for me. But Thomas still had vacation left, so he flew back to Reykjavik with me. Flight was delayed 45 min so we decided to go for burgers and beer at the sportsbar in the airport (after some serious taxfree shopping of course). GT on the plane, had to take advantage of the last day of vacation :) . Weather in Reykjavik was sunny and beautiful when we arrived.


The wait was finally over. Since I didn't get the collector's edition at midnight, I chose the digital purchase option. 59 Euros, auch! In hindsight I should just have biked into town in the morning to pick up a collector's edition. Oh well. It is still a good game.

BBQ with Rikke

BBQ at Rikke's place:

Testing the color water fountain, somehow the chosen color always defaults to bordello red:

No visit complete without a game of Cranium. Damn we are talented. We also managed to find the unusual scribblings from the X-mas lunch. Even though we couldn't tell what we had tried to draw. The paper was also slightly burned for some reason (not shown here though).:

Stayed until 02:30 ish, which meant that I opted out of the Starcraft2 launch at midnight: